The Bodyguard's Bride (Russian Alpha Erotic Romance Book 4) Page 5
Ivan took another tiny step forward. “Listen. I will do this for you now. I will call Sergei, but you must take hands off my fiancée.” His eyes flashed as he moved closer still; my father dragged me back, and he froze. “I see you think of her still as your asset—but she is mine.” He spat the word, then all of the fury carefully contained beneath that icy exterior was gone in a flash. “I buy her. She belong to me. Do not be a fool.”
“I’m no fool,” my father hissed.
“This is what you are,” Ivan said, staring at him, “to send men to her bed, to take her on wedding day. You are a fool.” Ivan looked disgusted, and then, he shrugged his shoulders and carefully pulled his phone out of his pocket. “But I will call Sergei for you. We see if he agree with you, or with me.”
And then several things occurred in such quick succession that if I hadn’t been watching as if my life literally depended on it, I never would have understood what happened.
Ivan pulled out his phone and moved it towards his ear as if he we making a call.
Instead, he deftly flicked his wrist, sharp and hard, and the phone cracked into my father’s face like a boomerang, blood exploding from his nose in one endless second.
That was all the time Ivan needed to grab his hand, wrenching the gun away from my face. I heard it fire over my head and screamed, screamed for all I was worth.
And then two more gunshots rang out, one right after the other, and my father collapsed to the ground. When he moaned and rolled over, I saw that one of his kneecaps and his right shoulder were shattered, blood seeping out through the expensive suit. He seemed to forget we were there, his eyes blinking up at the sky. I felt a strong arm wrap protectively around me, and then Ivan was pulling me up the dock.
We got into the back of the SUV and Alexei climbed in the front, nodding to the driver. I leaned across him to see my father one last time, and he was still alive, his eyes creased with pain.
“He will live.” Alexei was watching me in the rear-view mirror. “He does not deserve to, but this is my wedding present to you, Julie. Is good one, no?”
The driver said something in Russian, and Alexei nodded, then turned back to me. “The FBI is coming for him now. He will be happy to be in jail here—Russia will extradite him if they can, and he will die there. So really, Julie,” he said, showing me his dimples, “we do him good favor.”
Ivan’s arms tightened around me as if he would never let me go, and he pressed his face into my hair. I realized his eyes were tightly shut, and reached up to put my hand on his face. His five o’clock shadow scratched me reassuringly. “I knew you would come. I was sure of it.”
“The baby?” Ivan seemed like he couldn’t bear to say more; his cool veneer was almost completely gone, and I could hear his heart racing when I pressed my ear to his chest.
“The baby is fine—I was worried, but, so far, we’re alright.” I stroked his cheek, and he sighed. “How did you find us?”
“You must forgive me, milaya,” Ivan said, and twisted his head to kiss my palm, his eyes still tightly shut. “The clothes I give you yesterday all have GPS tag sewn inside. All your clothes have GPS locator inside.” I gaped at him, then realized he still wasn’t looking at me. “I know something is wrong when you sound… Funny, but not ha-ha funny? On the phone. I know. And I look at locator and see you are moving, when I know you need rest.” His expression turned stony. “When Petyr is not on duty, I guess the rest and we go.”
“I’m sorry about Petyr,” I said softly, but Ivan was unmoved.
“I tell you before, is sad when someone make mistake.” His voice was hard. “Is not sad when they make bad choice. Petyr have contact with Irina ex-husband, who try see her in his district.” Ivan’s lip curled. “They make business arrangement—you are first priority, then, while we looking for you, Irina will be taken.”
“Too bad for them,” Alexei said, and shrugged in the customary way. I wondered how many on the team were left if Petyr had recruited a large group for this plot. But Ivan and Alexei were unconcerned.
“I’m guessing Irina is okay,” I said, and Ivan nodded, his eyes still closed.
“Irina is shopping,” he said, and in spite of the tension of the moment, I laughed. This made him smile. “She not know what happened. Is over very soon.”
“There is a reason we are in charge,” Alexei said, and it didn’t sound like boasting. He said it in a very matter-of-fact way, then said something else in Russian to Ivan, who shook his head.
“Alexei wonder if we need call The Cleaner,” Ivan said, “but I like your father go to jail long time.”
“The Cleaner?”
“Yes. He clean up mess,” Ivan said, and I took this to an extreme and couldn’t help the shudder that ran through my body. He held me tighter.
“Vanya,” I whispered in his ear, “why won’t you look at me?”
He seemed surprised, his silky brows climbing high on his forehead even as his eyes were closed. “Because is bad luck! We getting married soon. Then I be happy to look at you.”
Even Alexei laughed. We made our way back to the resort in record time, and as I looked out the window overhead I saw three black helicopters flying back the way we came. I had to wonder if they were the FBI, coming to take my father away for good.
It should have made me sad, but it didn’t. The wave of pity I expected washed through me, but then it was gone. I had other things to think about.
I wrapped my hands around my middle, and Ivan pulled me closer, doing the same, laying his own hands over mine. We cradled our baby all the way back, and I felt nothing then but joy, exquisite joy, and hope.
My real life had begun, and it was absolutely beautiful.
The bustle of the wedding was almost overwhelming. True to his wishes, Ivan found a little wooden church which was ancient and absolutely beautiful where we would say our vows. Afterward, the banquet and reception would take place at the resort. Ivan told me we could honeymoon there too, but the guests would probably only stay for a few days; my classes would need my attention, but with wi-fi at the hotel, we could stay for as long as I liked. It was up to me—he offered to take me on a cruise of the islands, also, or to a new place if I liked, but I declined these offers. I’d had enough of an adventure already, and I wanted to relax.
After I got married, that is.
Irina proved to be an invaluable resource, helping me with last minute changes to the gown I chose the day before our flight—a strapless satin dress, with simple lace trimmings and a very long lace train. It was champagne colored, and with the spray of white roses I clutched in my hands I had to admit I looked very pretty. My dark hair was gently curled and framed my face in perfect waves, and the artist who did my make-up, guided by Irina, made me look like a princess. I felt perfect. When Irina clasped a delicate gold pendant in the shape of a rose around my neck, I felt tears coming to my eyes and had to take a moment just to calm down. I couldn’t believe my fortune—I still couldn’t believe this was my life. Irina held my hands as I focused on my breath.
“You look very beautiful,” she told me, her voice soft and direct. “You are a wonderful person, Julie,” she told me, and squeezed my hands. We hadn’t spoken about what had happened the day before, but I knew she knew. “You deserve perfect happiness, and so does my brother. No matter what he might think, he is a wonderful man, and the two of you will be very, very happy together.” It was the right thing to say, and made me feel so much joy, even if it did take me a minute more to make sure I wasn’t going to cry my happy tears all over the place.
Irina tried to remind me to eat, but between my nerves and my stomach troubles, I wasn’t able to keep much down. I didn’t want to interrupt the happiest moment of my life with morning sickness, either, so I tried to nibble crackers and sip tea all day, with Irina’s help. There was nothing else I was comfortable attempting.
We walked from our suite, where I’d gotten dressed, to the
reception area on the first floor of the hotel. It was a gorgeous room, completely open on one side to the ocean with an elaborate garden of bougainvillea, plumeria and puakinikini flowers directly outside the door. Everything was strung with fairy lights, and a band was prepared to play. I saw a bar, but otherwise it looked like the food would be catered and served individually; everyone was sitting together at a very long table. Ivan had prepared for everything, and although our wedding was a small one it would be extravagantly beautiful. The fresh smell of the ocean breeze and blossoms from the trees outside enchanted me, and I went to go look out at the sea. Irina followed me, but let me look for myself. There was a small parquet floor set up where we would have our first dance, and the winding trail that lead to the beach looked misty and gorgeous beneath the boughs of the trees. I could see elaborate bunches of tropical flowers set up all over the small tables and chairs lining the dance floor, and more twinkling fairy lights, ready to reveal themselves at dusk. I couldn’t think of a more magical view, and once again had to fight off tears.
Then it was time to go. Irina and her children all piled in with me; it was perfect, because they distracted me from the last time I rode in a limousine. Nothing could be more pleasant than the excited squeals of children—soon to be my nieces and nephews, I realized—as we pulled up to the church. They spilled out in their finery, looking absolutely adorable, and Irina bade me wait just a moment as she checked inside. I didn’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle now, but that didn’t bother me as much as I thought it might; all I wanted was to get to the end of the path and see Ivan’s face. Just being away from him for the few hours it took to get dressed was too much, and I was more than ready for our life together to officially begin.
I saw Irina wave to me, smiling, and stepped towards the church and my new life. The sun was hovering over the horizon; we had an hour of daylight left. Long shadows waved on the ground as the gentle sounds of the palm trees in the breeze moved them far above me, and I felt the attending hands of Irina’s children as they gleefully raised the train of my dress for me on the way in to the church. I walked happily with them up to the door, and then Irina arranged it around me artfully before they took their seats. I heard the music begin just as they sat down, and saw Irina wipe a tear from her eye.
But my crying was done. I felt sheer joy radiate out from my heart as I saw Alexei turn to look at me for the first time that day. He cried for me—I watched as tears appeared in the corners of his eyes and tracked down his cheeks, Alexei rubbing his own eyes as if even he were moved by his friend’s happiness. I slowly walked towards him, savoring the moment. The church was small, the beautiful walls painted with ancient scenes from long ago, and the magic of the love ritual settled upon us in the growing twilight.
I stood next to Ivan, the love of my life, as he entwined his fingers with mine, his eyes looking deeply into my own. The music quieted, and when the priest spoke I could hear the echo of the ages in his voice. The ceremony was brief and poignant. I felt Ivan’s ring slip onto my finger and said I do, my hands shaking as he said the same, and then, just like that, we were husband and wife.
“You may now kiss the bride,” the ancient words came, and Ivan did.
I sat in his lap the entire way back to the resort. I couldn’t bear to be away from him, and he couldn’t keep his hands off of me—but we were just enjoying our closeness, the newness of being together, of being one. We needed to hold each other, to be whole. I felt my heart soaring when I looked into his dark eyes, and I knew he felt the same. When we arrived at the resort, thrilling cheers boomed down to us from all four stories as happy vacationers greeted a pair of smiling newly-weds on the way to their reception. It was a beautiful moment, one of many.
The reception was the best party I’d ever been to—which wasn’t saying much, because I hadn’t been to very many, but I got to enjoy spectacular food with great company and dance like a maniac afterward so I can’t imagine one better. Grilled mahi steak with mango salsa, Tahitian limeade, haupia pudding with curled cacao chips… It was an unbelievable feast, so unfamiliar but delicious, and I tasted everything I could. I didn’t want to over-do it but I think my body was ready for more nutritious fare, because I was able to enjoy everything.
We danced until after mid-night. The children were slumped over the tables under the fairy lights, the evening cool around us; Irina took them upstairs after kissing my cheek and wishing her brother well in Russian. It was the first time I heard her speak it, and it was just as flawless as her English. It made me grateful all over again for her kindness, since she could’ve excluded me so easily; it didn’t seem like the thought had even crossed her mind. After she left with the kids, Alexei took his leave and escorted Mavis back upstairs. They’d danced closely, cheek to cheek, all night. She’d been very quiet, but happy, I could tell. I hoped they had a romantic evening together.
I was approaching the end of mine.
I felt Ivan’s arms wrap around me from behind as I faced the ocean through the misty path. We were alone, our security team invisible. The smell of the sea and fragrant blossoms enveloped me.
“Would you like to take a walk?” I turned towards him, hoping he would say yes. I knew it might be dangerous, given the situation we’d escaped earlier in the day, but Ivan just smiled down at me.
“Of course, milaya. I would love to walk with you.”
To my surprise, Ivan slipped his expensive shoes off and gingerly reached under my beautiful dress to help me take off mine. When we were both barefoot, he took my hand and we walked down to the beach beneath the beautiful boughs of the trees overhead, smelling the wonderful scent of their flowers and enjoying the moonlight that shone down from above. Stars circled us, bright and unencumbered by clouds, and the sand was cool under my feet. We walked as far as I wanted, feeling the damp ocean presence in the granules below as the waves pounded away. It was enchanting. I felt like I was in a dream.
And then we made our way back to our hotel room, and I knew this was real. My new reality—better than anything I could’ve imagined, ever, even if I’d had all the time in the world to try. When we got to the hall Ivan scooped me up in his arms and carried me across the threshold of our room, taking my breath away with his scent, his smile, the feel of his hard body beneath my cheek. I could hear his heartbeat. He laid me down on the bed and slowly removed every inch of my finery, kissing me as he went—my toes, the arch of my foot, my ankle, my calf, the underside of my knee, my entire inner thigh, and then skipping up to the top of my head, my cheeks, nose and forehead, my lips, just briefly, my throat, between my breasts, and then, finally, a burning trail from each nipple down to my navel. When he reached my mound he was still fully dressed and I was completely naked and ready for his attention. Ivan’s dark eyes met mine; I didn’t need him to speak to understand what they said: I love you. I will love you forever.
Ivan lapped me until I shook with desire and then felt my orgasm on his tongue. He slipped inside while I was begging for him and the next time I came, I came with him. It was the perfect end to the longest, hardest and best day of my entire life.
I was never looking back.
Returning to The Day After…
We spent four glorious weeks in Maui. I splashed in the waves and got a tan—I didn’t even know I could get a tan! We went on quiet boat rides around the island; Ivan promised once the baby was safely with us we could do the rowdier trips available to tourists on catamarans and jet skis, and I agreed. We would definitely be back. It was the happiest time of my entire life. The rest of our days were spent tasting delicious food when my body would cooperate, seeing the sights of the glamorous island, and making love in every position and every way possible.
I didn’t know love could feel like this—so all consuming, like a fire, but something that fed you also, made you the best person you could be. I didn’t know life could feel like that.
I was sad when we left Maui but I knew as soon as we arrived h
ome that that was just one chapter in the amazing book of my life; Ivan promptly dropped our bags, established that security was back in place, and then proposed we see if our new bed was up to standards. It took him thirty seconds to have me screaming his name at the top of my lungs, wracked with ecstasy.
I looked around at the warm, beautiful room—the room I’d designed, the room we would share with our baby, now strong and healthy at four months and counting—and allowed the joy in my heart to fill me up. And when I looked back at Ivan, I was overcome with happiness and gratitude. My bodyguard, the love of my life.
The End
The Bodyguard Series by Kendall Duke:
The Bodyguard and the Virgin
The Bodyguard and the Girl Next Door
The Bodyguard’s Baby
The Bodyguard’s Bride
Other Books by Kendall Duke:
The Surfer and The Virgin
Tattooed and You: A First Time Romance
Yes, Chef